Thursday, February 03, 2005

On the writing desk

As this blog is an attempt to get me to write more often and more regularly I thought I would jot down the current writing projects I have lined up in front of me:

How Does Your Garden Grow - [Short story - COMPLETE] A pulpy-horror story inspired years ago by Clark Ashton Smith's short story The Garden of Adompha. This one is done, reworked, edited and is currently out in circulation looking for a home amongst the horror fiction magazines.

The Memory of Water - [Short story - RE-EDIT] Not horror, not SF, not fantasy, possibly (just maybe) Magic Realism - but who knows with all these sub-genres these days? It definitely has some weird elements to it, but probably not as strange as what I would normally write. I'm quite happy with this story but know, from an initial editing by a well-respected professional, that it needs a little work. I hope to tidy this one up over the next few days: tightening the tension, less telling, more showing, all that sort of stuff. And then send it off into the wide-world and wait for the rejections to come in like postcards from a far off land.

Work Like the Dead - [Short story - 50% COMPLETE] Oh no! Not another zombie story! Yeah, I suppose it is, but quite different, owing more to stories like Dale Bailey's The Anencephalic Fields or Death and Suffrage than George Romero or Lucio Fulci's Zombie genre. I'm enjoying writing this one, although sometimes getting it to read the way I want it to has been as painful as pulling teeth with pliers.

The Darkling Crowd - [Short story - 20% COMPLETE] Inspired by a line from a poem by Aleister Crowley and the "Paranormal Phenomena" of Shadow People. Still a way to go on this one, especially considering I just ditched half the story because it was waffle. I think I'm on the right track now though.

Saving for Elysium - [Short story - 20% COMPLETE] The tale of an After-Life Insurance Salesman, his dead mother's pleas for a better heaven, and the steps he takes to 'get away from it all'.

The House of the Golden Gryphon - [Novel - RESEARCH STAGE] This is the one with the McKenzie's Guides in it, inspired by the dream mentioned in my first post. With the help of my wife [who asks LOTS of questions] I was able to flesh this dream out into quite a good novel idea (or at least I thought so). Swords, Sorcery and Strange Science; that's about as much as I can tell you about this one at the moment, but I'm enjoying all the research into Victoriana, automata, population demographics and even some planetary physics. Hooray for the internet!

Wow! That's a lot for me to work through. Better get back to it I suppose.

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